Monday 29 October 2007

Thank You

Thank you very much to bear, who left my very first comment. I am afraid I will be a little behind (for a short while) with comments, fonts, wordcounts and so on. I am a complete arse when it comes to anything technical, even at work I go all girly and shriek if there is something wrong
with my computer. So fellow writers, a big thank you in advance for any comments or support in advance.

I just received a phone call from lets call her 'The Mouth Queen' yes that definitely fits her
like Cinderella and her glass slipper. I have been trying for some time to back away but I am
no good at negative confrontation and I am hoping that one day she will eventually get the message. Don't get me wrong I am a real sociable and bubbly person (honest) but this woman
drives me mad. I used to see her standing outside the school with a crowd congregating around
her and watch her beaming smile and fresh rosy cheeks, drawing in all those around her.

WRONG !!! That was two years ago when I couldn't tell the difference between a pineapple and a papaya. She is really a gossiping, attention seeking, foul mouthed lady who forces herself on
people and then complains how they are bothering her ! "I think I am going to ask so and so if she would like to join me at my next AA meeting" she said, because they were sipping from a small glass of wine when she visited their home for lunch.

If she sniffs out a perfectly normal marital argument - your heading for divorce.
If your pet rabbit died - the whole community will think you neglected it and it died of starvation.

Do I really have to go on ? The woman is poison in the shape of a human female body.

"She never used to be like that" I said to my other half. "She was always that way, you just didn't know her properly" he replied.

Again, he has a point. Very clever my other half but he also whines alot so I tend not to
listen to most of his dribble. The last time I tried to escape her clutches, there she stood.
She had walked round, unlatched the gate and walked through our back door.

We may have to move.


Lucy Diamond said...

Hmmm...maybe you should write her into your novel?
I like the blog btw - do visit the Novel Racers blog if you haven't already ( - they always have friendly words of advice and support!
Best of luck

Uncle Dick Madeley said...

I like the pink. It's very pink. Good luck on the blog. Pink is a very good start.