Tuesday 30 October 2007


I have a little more of it now, motivation I mean. I have been trawling through lots of writers
blogs and I am ashamed to admit that there are others out there with alot more responsibility
and they are bashing out anything from 1000 - 3000 words a day making for steady and fast
progress. "Won't writing a blog just slow you down?" the other half said, this evening spreading thick lashings of butter on piece of bread (after his dinner) leaving a trail of crumbs behind. So I
clean up the crumbs, wash the dishes, iron more clothes for tomorrow, feed the cats and pluck my eye brows as I want people to be able to tell us apart (I'm the beauty and he's the beast).

And my new conclusion - a small but significant one. If my eyes are going in all directions and I
have a thumping migraine I will write scenes of my novel in my notebook and then transfer them to the computer when I can. I know not a genius idea and thats why I work for the government as opposed to NASA. The main point is I feel I have a little support network now and I am wracking my brain now trying to find ways around my hectic life but still achieve my goals.

"At least you have a nice little hobby" one of my friends said whilst we drank wine and sloshed even more into the chicken I prepared.


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