Wednesday 31 October 2007

Literary Agents .......

You know there are two theories when it comes to submitting work to
agents ;

1. Contact them once your masterpiece is completed, edited and you
can't bare to look at it no longer, or
2. Contact them mid-masterpiece as they can take as long as a whole
pregnancy to get back to you and by that time you may be finished (if your not me).

I sent out the first three chapters and a polite, captivating letter to agent number 1.
Three days (yes three !) later, I got a very quick response to say no. No explanation,
no feedback, not even a slight critique. I was horrified at his abrupt manner and
then politely sent a message to ask what was wrong so I could possibly shape my
work into something better (I had read many articles and books in which he was -
mentioned as a kind and helpful soul) but nothing. I won't lie it hurts and I am no
longer a fan of his (like he would care). But heh this week I have sent work off to
agent number 2, lets just hope they can at least say - It is shit because .............................

And I must say I am not a complete moron and I know they receive hundreds
of submissions every week and simply cannot send out a 5 page analysis of each
individual piece of work but a small, half meaningful, well constructed, 3 bullet point
paragraph of the main reasons why ?

Please agents, please.

1 comment:

Karen said...

It's horrible to receive a blunt reply like that. It's happened to me, and I've wanted to give up, but I've also had 'nice' rejections where someone's taken the time to actually read what I've written and give a bit of constructive advice, so don't give in. Maybe they're not taking on any new writers at the moment - if that's the case your submission probably didn't get as far as the agent. Try not to take it to heart (I know it's hard not to) - you'll have the last laugh when the next one snaps you up!